Story of a young lady (Eva ) who's mother is trying to sell her dignity for the sake of money and self interest. Nestor is the one person trying to save her. A story of true love and respect.
Cebu Catholic Television Network.
Eva Day |
Story of a young lady (Eva ) who's mother is trying to sell her dignity for the sake of money and self interest. Nestor is the one person trying to save her. A story of true love and respect. Cebu Catholic Television Network.
Eva Day Episode II Bisaya |
Story of a young lady (Eva ) who's mother is trying to sell her dignity for the sake of money and self interest. Nestor is the one person trying to save her. A story of true love and respect.
Cebu Catholic Television Network.
Eva Day |
Aunty Pinky advice to become a Nurse by Happyslip
Narse Pinky |
Story of a young lady (Eva ) who's mother is trying to sell her dignity for the sake of money and self interest. Nestor is the one person trying to save her. A story of true love and respect. Cebu Catholic Television Network.
eva day bisaya |
Dianne Ico sings Memory from Cats on Got Talent Espana
Dianne Ico |
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